Ontario’s High-Speed Predators: The Three Fastest Animals in the World Live Right Here

The Three Fastest Animals in the World Live Right Here

When it comes to speed, the cheetah often gets all the glory. With a top speed of 120 km/h, it’s the fastest land animal on the planet. However, in the grand race of nature, it doesn’t even break the top ten!

In reality, the world’s fastest creatures are all airborne, with nine species of birds and one type of bat outpacing even the swiftest land mammals. Surprisingly, the top three fastest animals on Earth all call Ontario home—meaning you don’t need to travel to the African savannah to witness nature’s ultimate speedsters in action.

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Meet the Three Fastest Animals on Earth—Right Here in Ontario

1. Peregrine Falcon – The Supersonic Skydiver

With a mind-blowing dive speed of 389 km/h (242 mph), the peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) is the undisputed speed champion of the animal kingdom. To put that into perspective, a peregrine falcon in a hunting stoop moves faster than a Formula 1 car and even outraces Japan’s fastest bullet train by about 40 km/h.

These aerial assassins can be found across every continent except Antarctica, and Ontario serves as an important part of their migratory path.

Where to Spot Them in Ontario:

  • Peregrine falcons thrive in urban environments, nesting on Toronto’s skyscrapers and preying on city-dwelling pigeons.
  • The majority of Ontario’s wild peregrines are found near Lake Superior in the northwestern part of the province.

2. Golden Eagle – The Arrow in the Sky

Clocking in at 240–320 km/h (150–200 mph) when diving, the golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) is an apex predator that rivals a high-speed arrow in velocity.

Despite their remarkable speed, golden eagles are a rare sight in Ontario. The province is home to only 10–20 known breeding pairs, making them one of the region’s most elusive birds.

Where to Spot Them in Ontario:

  • Most commonly seen migrating along the shores of Lake Ontario and Lake Erie in November.
  • Breeding golden eagles are found primarily in the Hudson Bay Lowlands.
  • Some golden eagles winter in southern Ontario, offering occasional sightings outside of migration season.

3. Gyrfalcon – The Arctic Speedster

Reaching a dive speed of 209 km/h (130 mph), the gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus) is the third-fastest animal on Earth and North America’s largest falcon. This fierce predator dominates the Arctic skies and occasionally ventures south into Ontario’s northern regions.

Where to Spot Them in Ontario:

  • While most commonly found in the Arctic, some gyrfalcons wander into Ontario during winter.
  • Sightings are more frequent in the northern parts of the province.

Honourable Mention: The Surprisingly Fast Rock Dove (a.k.a. Pigeon)

Think pigeons are just slow-moving scavengers? Think again. The rock dove (Columba livia), better known as the common pigeon, ranks eighth among the world’s fastest animals. Racing homing pigeons have been recorded reaching 150 km/h (93 mph) over long distances.

Sadly for them, this speed isn’t quite enough to escape the peregrine falcon—its primary predator.

Ontario: A Natural Hotspot for the World’s Fastest Flyers

While cheetahs might get all the fame, the true speed demons of nature are soaring above us. Ontario provides a home to the three fastest animals on the planet, making it one of the best places to witness these incredible birds in action.

So, the next time you look up at the sky in Toronto, along the Great Lakes, or in the Arctic tundra, keep an eye out—you might just see nature’s fastest hunters in flight.

About Sophie Wilson 850 Articles
Sophie Wilson is a finance professional with a strong academic background, having studied at the University of Toronto. Her expertise in finance is complemented by a solid foundation in analytical and strategic thinking, making her a valuable asset in the financial sector.

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